Tuesday, December 16, 2008
cuti sem....
nak tu kenapa?
aku dah abis dah semester 5.
petang td last paper(final).
so aku cuti sem selamat 4 minggu(sebulan).
nanti 15 january 2009 aku kena daftar semester 6 dah.
last sem katakan di politeknik PD.
senior la..
(bagi aku x diiktiraf senior pun sebab aku masuk terus sem 5..integrasi.)
aku banyak benda ni nak buat time cuti sem.
yang penting aku nak belajar tentang
"urban planning and artlantis sofware"
sebagai persediaan last sem.
last sem la aku nak cover balik semasa
semester 5.
insyaallah helmi..
time kat kampung aku nak rehat puas2.
disamping 2 blaja la jg "urban planning dengan artlantis sofware"
nak tahu nape aku nak rehat puas2?
aku dah sepanjang sem
kena bekerja (buat design and xsignment)
otak aku mang penat n letih sangat.
caranya aku nak layan semua movie yang aku ambil dari kawan aku.
banyak tau...
dalam 50 gb semuanya.
di samping 2 kena juga amal ibadat weii.
helmi nih....
baru la sekata.
tq so much buat mak n abah sebab banyak bg support.
xlupa juga member2 1 studio DSB5 S2 dan
pensyarah DSB5 S2...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
salam perantau
08 december 2008 tarikh raya aidiladha.
so aku xdapat balik kampung.
kena la beraya kat rumah sewa ni kat port dickson.
satu pengorbanan gak tu.
aku x balik pn ada sebab.
time ni aku final exam.
ada 3 paper lg.
tarikh 11hb,15hb n last 16hb.
serba salah pulak aku nak balik.
17hb aku nak balik dah.
so redha je.
pape pn.
selamat hari raya aidiladha.
to family kat kampung.
member2 kat rumah 757 lorong 15, taman politeknik, port dickson.
lecturer yang ajar DSBS2 poli PD
Friday, November 28, 2008
kenapa tidak,
aku dah submit design final project, working drawing final project, tesis building services.
tp aku akan lalui hari port folio nanti 4hb dec 08.
insyaallah semua akan selamat.
tp pada masa yang sama aku ada hari portfolio 4hb disember 08.
semua board n hasil kerja aku kena prepare untk port folio.
aku start final dengan paper .....
Sejarah Senibina Moden- 5hb dec 08.
Sejarah Senibina Asia - 11hb dec 08.
Kemudahan Bangunan - 15hb dec 08.
n last..
Sains Persekitaran - 16hb dec 08...
aku yakin aku boleh lakukan......
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Nakheel Tower the 1km high tower (this is already approved and is in the pre-construction stage.)

The entire construction area will be of 270 hectares, and when the Nakheel Tower and Harbor will be finished, it will provide enough space for 55,000 inhabitants, workplaces for 45,000 people, and for millions of tourists every year. Although it will be one kilometer-high, the skyscraper will only feature 200 floors, but this could change as the developers don’t want to tell us more about the actual height as rivals could build taller towers.
Here is a nice visual comparison of existing skyscrapers:

Dubai City Tower. its...2.4 kilometers tall!

This gargantuan of a structure is planned for the Jumeirah City project... even includes a vertical bullet train: one-and-a-half mile tall, 125 mph elevator.
Monday, November 3, 2008
semua projek nak kena hantar..
tp alhamdulillah, satu persatu aku dapat selesaikan..
3d cadd, research aircond (split unit), presentation n report senibina asia, research BANGUNAN SULTAN ABDUL SAMAD and research senibina asia (research SENIBINA TRADISIONAL TERENGGANU PADA BANGUNAN MODEN di terengganu)....semua dah siapkan..
tp yang aku bimbang sekarang dengan subjek DESIGN.
dengan kata nama lain nama projek aku PETRONAS SERVICE STATION.
site aku kat area persimpangan KLANG GATE (KL).
aku kena submit design pada 10 november 2008.
ini lah site aku nak buat PETRONAS SERVICE STATION

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
kadang kadang masa tidak mengizinkan aku untuk siapkan tugasan dengan sempurna...
mungkinkah aku ni x sediakan time table yang betul...
semua tugasan aku nak kena submit dalam minggu depan...
dimanakah masa yang sesuai untuk aku lakukan ini semua...
setiap benda dan projek yang aku buat kenalah complete...
tolong la aku........
Saturday, October 25, 2008
so, disini ape yang ada fikir tentang kerjaya bagi calon/pasangan/isteri yang sesuai untuk seorang arkitek lelaki?
bagi sebab?
-suri rumah
-ahli perniagaan
-dan lain lain (sila nyatakan)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Ecological Design In The Tropics (EDITT) - My target style

Ecological Design In The Tropics (EDITT) is a proposal by TR Hamzah & Yeang for a 26-story high-rise constructed of recycled and recyclable materials featuring photovoltaic panels, natural ventilation, and a biogas generation plant all wrapped within an insulating living wall that covers half of its surface area. The eco-tower is designed to collect rainwater and re-distribute its grey-water for both irrigation and toilet flushing with an estimated 55% self-sufficiency and a photovoltaic system that can supply 40% of its energy needs.
Engineering Drawing and Technology Competition 2004
Pada tahun 2004, aku amat gembira sekali kerana terpilih dalam pertandingan LK untuk mewakili skolah dan akan bertanding di SM Teknik Tanah Merah.
aku dibantu dan di didik oleh cikgu Suharto dan cikgu Rasyid
time 2 aku terpilih bersama dengan kawan sekelas aku (py-dah) time form 5 di SM Teknik Pengkalan Chepa..
Hati mana yang x gembira beb,,,
hati aku mang berdebar untuk pertandingan ini. yela,bawa nama baik skolah.
dalam pertandingan 2, terbagi 2 bahagian iaitu bahagian 1 ialah lukisan teknikal yang merangkumi floor plan, elevation, electrical drawing, and perspective drawing selama 3 jam..
bahagian 2 pula merangkumi pembuatan model, accesories dalaman and landscape selama 5 jam.
Selesai pertandingan itu,Kegembiraan aku berterusan kerana berjaya mendapat tempat ke-2 (naib johan).
dalam perandingan ini, tuan rumah mendapat johan.
time 2 dalam 20 buah skolah ambil bahagian..
Kegembiraan aku disambut lagi apabila aku mendapat notice dari JPN ( Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri) untuk bertanding di peringkat kebangsaan di Pulau Pinang..
yela dapat wakil negeri (Kelantan).
n then aku sahut cabaran lagi kat sana.
kat sana mang bes sangat..
smua orang sponsor...
tempat tinggal pula kat The Summit Hotel di Bukit Mertajam.
kami dilayan mcm orang kenamaan.
Pertandingan ni berlangsung di Dewan Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Jaya, sebelah Dewan Milennium.
Perasaan aku mang kecewa sangat time pertandingan ni,
aku just dapat saguhati aje...
aku dapat bw balik sijil, piala dan duit rm400.
tp aku mang gembira sangat dan dapat pengalaman baru dalam pertandingan ni.

p/s : harapan agar pertandingan ni berterusan sampai bila2. jangan separuh jalan je..
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
top ten architectural styles

There are several variations:
Federalist: Especially common in New England; a traditionalist
approach to classicism, heavily influenced by English models. Charles
Bulfinch, Samuel MacIntyre.
Idealist: An intellectual and moral approach to classicism, at first
linked to Roman models. Symbolic and associational values stressed.
Best example: Thomas Jefferson.
Rationalist: Emphasized structure and classical building techniques,
such as stone vaulting and domes. Benjamin Latrobe.

The first truly national style in the United States. Strong associational
values. Permeated all levels of building.

Strong associational values of religion and nature. Found in both ecclesiastical
and residential architecture. A wide range of archaeological accuracy, from
Richard Upjohn's urban churches to "Carpenter's Gothic" cottages.

French origin; used for public and residential architecture.

Drawn from the architecture of 15th- through 17th-century Italy, France and England. On this side of the Atlantic, Italian palazzi, French chateaux, and English clubs became the stylistic image for banking institutions, super town houses, clubs and government buildings, and even mercantile establishments (cf. the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and many of SoHo s cast-iron loft buildings). Proselytized through the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, the Beaux Arts style, from about 1890 to 1920, inflated classical allusions to truly supergrandiose proportions, as at Grand Central Terminal, the Custom House at Bowling Green, and the New York Public Library.

The "Wedding Cake" style refers to buildings with many distinct tiers, each set back from the one below resulting in a shape like a wedding cake. The style is almost exclusive to New York City, thanks to the 1916 zoning code ( prompted by the "shocking" height and verticality of the EQUITABLE BUILDING ) which forced buildings to reduce their shadows at street level, but occasional examples are found in other cities with dense business districts.
Wedding Cake buildings range across a spectrum of early-to-mid-20th century stylistic treatments, some with eclectic or art moderne facades and some modern or international. The buildings can be grouped into one style because their setbacks are usually their most distinguishing design feature.

The largely French-inspired styles of the era between World Wars I and II, when cubistic structures were embellished by the use of florid ornament inspired by the Paris Exposition of 1925 (Art Deco) and later by sleek streamlined ornament that also influenced the Paris Exposition of 1937 ' Art Moderne . Many polychromed works of Ely Jacques Kahn exemplify Art Deco: the corner-windowed “modernistic” apartment houses of the Grand Concourse in the Bronx and the Majestic Apartments, at Central Park West and 72nd street are Art Moderne.
Both Deco and Moderne use setbacks to reduce building mass and to emphasize verticality. Unlike "Wedding Cake" buildings, their shapes recede from the street gracefully, not in tiers but in gentler and more carefully positioned steps. Limestone is the most common cladding material, with brick facades common in Art Deco.
Prominent architects in the style include Shreve, Lamb & Harmon Associates, Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue, and Lawrence Murray Dixon.

After about 1960 modernism began to play more freely with shapes and structures, producing a wider variety of designs including cylindrical buildings, sloping roofs, and unusual shapes. This trend runs parallel to Postmodernism, which rebelled against the strictness of modernism by reviving historical tropes; but during this period the aesthetic and economic advantages of simplicity kept modernism alive in all parts of the world.
One of the leading proponents of modernism is the architecture firm Walter Gropius, which has also worked in other styles but is closely associated with the evolution of 20th century modernism. An equivalent firm in the Far East is the Japanese company Nikken Sekkei Ltd., and one of the most famous design firms of the late modern period is The Stubbins Associates, Inc., architects of Yokohama Landmark Tower and Citigroup Center.

Philip Johnson (before his conversion to Post-Modernism) and I.M. Pei, among others.
Late Twentieth-Century Late Modern buildings avoided most of the allusions, irony and self- mockery of post-modernism, although they sometimes paid homage to Inter-War Functionalism. They also modified the uncomplicated, predictable matchbox shapes of the International style by slicing, chamfering or serrating them, by stressing the 45-degree angle in plan and elevation, or by relinquishing the rectangular prism in favour of pyramidal, cylindrical or free-curved shapes. Late Modern architecture was nothing if not sleek and glossy. It strove to convey the image of the formidable technology of the computer and the satellite, a technology that was not yet practical for everyday use in the building industry even though it appeared overseas in such tours de force as the HongKong and Shanghai Bank and the Lloyds of London Building.

Postmodern architecture is a counter reaction to the the strict and almost universal modernism of the mid-20th century. It reintroduces elements from historical building styles, although usually without their high level of detail. Common features include columns, pyramids, arches, obelisks, unusual or attention-getting shapes and rooflines, and combinations of stone and glass on the facade.
Postmodernism ranges from conservative imitations of classical architecture to flamboyant and playfully outrageous designs. As the style became mainstream, many buildings with a modern form assimilated postmodern devices into small parts of their designs.
Among the original and most prototypically postmodern architects, Michael Graves & Associates is famous for its colorful and entertaining designs in architecture and other products. The firm of Johnson/Burgee Architects has designed some of the style's best known buildings, with an extremely wide variety of forms. Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates is one of the most successful practices in history, with a portfolio of major postmodern buildings all over the world.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Ramadhan Di Kuala Lumpur......Sebelum Pulang Kampung...
antara kawan kawan yang pulang bersama aku adalah malik dan pawi...
sebelum pulang ke kampung halaman pada 27
ini adalah antara gelagat kegembiraan kami sebelum berhari raya dekat kampung masing masing..
first time makan makanan arab. best jugak ey....